Think again
We see things around us through the lens of faith, making connections from ancient wisdom to daily life.
Join our Musician Search Team
As you know, we’re forming a Musician Search Team to work with our Interim Music Director, Paul Vasile, and me to discern the future of West End’s music and arts programming.
Meet Interim Music Director, Paul Vasile
I am excited to introduce you to Paul Vasile, who has graciously agreed to be our Interim Music Director.
Springing Forward
My, how time is moving differently these days. The clocks have sprung forward, the days are lengthening, and the daffodil sprouts are peeping out in Central Park. It is officially Spring, and I venture all of us have noticed the change of season and look forward to what is to come.
Finding new ways to connect
These last few months have all been connected for me. We’ve gone from Arts month, to Black History Month, and are now headed into Women’s History Month.
Mindfulness is a discipline
This week we begin our 40-day journey from ash to cross to life everlasting. The season of Lent this year comes to us when we are hopefully somewhere just passed the midpoint of our pandemic; it is also midway through this year’s Lent when we will mark the first anniversary of our quarantine. The journey from ash to cross to life everlasting is one each of us know deep in our bones these days. This journey is one we have walked together.
Ash Wednesday blessings
This week we begin our 40-day journey from ash to cross to life everlasting. The season of Lent this year comes to us when we are hopefully somewhere just passed the midpoint of our pandemic; it is also midway through this year’s Lent when we will mark the first anniversary of our quarantine. The journey from ash to cross to life everlasting is one each of us know deep in our bones these days. This journey is one we have walked together.
Celebrating Black History
This Black History Month, we lift up two distinct traditions of Black excellence: Black church and sacred music, and Black women leaders.
COVID-19 Vaccine Talk
West End member Dr. Shannon O. McNamara gave an informative talk about the different COVID-19 vaccines, their safety and distribution.
Our Arts Week Festival is here!
One of the things that gave me great comfort when I was called to ministry, was the knowledge that Jesus was also an artist. He wrote in the sand, used colorful metaphors, and more importantly – he was a storyteller.
We join our hearts at the mountaintop
Today we lift up the memory of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and join our hearts with each other in the continuing struggle for racial justice across our country. Dr. King's legacy calls us to share a dream for the day when all may see the mountaintop God has in mind for us. It is also very much our prayer today.
In this New Year, speak more bravely
Nine days stand between us and the inauguration of a president who promises to restore dignity and justice to the office of President of our United States. Six days ago the 45th president incited a racist mob's overtaking of the halls of our government and for the first time in our nation's history, the Confederate flag flew in the United States Capital. I can make no excuses for these racist, cowardly, unpatriotic acts: not for the leaders who incited them nor the people who enacted them.
Intentions for the New Year
Every year we decide on a set of goals that we want to accomplish. “This year I’ll try something… do something… be something new.”
Let’s make hope visible
This past week, in keeping with tradition, we festooned the exterior of our church building with boughs of evergreens, bright red bows, and a few very festive wreaths. We also hung new banners advertising our free food for all programs to the community and sharing the mission of our church with our neighborhood. We also created a community art project.
We need your photos for Christmas!
Send lots of photos and videos of Christmas at your house this year!
Advent blessings
With hearts full of thanks, we have now turned our attention to the coming Light of the World. The season of Advent is a season of preparation, and though many of our preparations are very different this year, preparing is still the work of these Advent days.
Give thanks for all things, for God is always doing a new thing
This year, Thanksgiving will be new in many ways for many of us—smaller tables, fewer dishes to clean, Zoom calls as place holders for ever-longer overdue hugs. The thing about tradition, though, is that it adapts to meet us where we are.
“How did you become a minister?”
I get this question a lot. Most of the time I just say, "It's a long story" and leave it at that. Well, here's my long story.
Reflections on the Face of God
The face of God that is the face of each other behind a mask is the face of the ineffable just behind a veil.