Think again
We see things around us through the lens of faith, making connections from ancient wisdom to daily life.
First Responders
This Easter, John’s Easter, our Easter, is a personal one. We gather only with those closest to us, the ones with whom we have now been gathered for many weeks. Some of us are weeping.
A Thanksgiving Season
Thanksgiving is a holiday that is often over before we’ve finished digesting. So quick are we to race up from our tables to bust down doors or haul out the holly that our thanks dissipates into a blur of the past.
The 50th Anniversary of The Stonewall Riots
One of the things I love about the book of Psalms is the variety and the volume of metaphors used to describe the unimaginable.
The Artistic Identity: The Intersection of Art, Spirituality and Social Justice
Who am I? Why am I here? Artists use their gifts to explore these questions and more, but the issue of identity can still be complex.