
Think again

We see things around us through the lens of faith, making connections from ancient wisdom to daily life.

Rev. William Critzman Rev. William Critzman Rev. William Critzman Rev. William Critzman

Summer rest

I have been preaching on themes of preparation and how we welcome God. We've been looking at the story of God's arrival in the City of David, and how God lives, travels, and provides among us.

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Rev. William Critzman Rev. William Critzman Rev. William Critzman Rev. William Critzman

Springing Forward

My, how time is moving differently these days. The clocks have sprung forward, the days are lengthening, and the daffodil sprouts are peeping out in Central Park. It is officially Spring, and I venture all of us have noticed the change of season and look forward to what is to come.

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Rev. William Critzman Rev. William Critzman Rev. William Critzman Rev. William Critzman

Mindfulness is a discipline

This week we begin our 40-day journey from ash to cross to life everlasting. The season of Lent this year comes to us when we are hopefully somewhere just passed the midpoint of our pandemic; it is also midway through this year’s Lent when we will mark the first anniversary of our quarantine. The journey from ash to cross to life everlasting is one each of us know deep in our bones these days. This journey is one we have walked together.

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