Our Arts Week Festival is here!

Hello West End,

One of the things that gave me great comfort when I was called to ministry, was the knowledge that Jesus was also an artist. He wrote in the sand, used colorful metaphors, and more importantly – he was a storyteller. There is an undeniable connection between art and religion (I’ve written about this before here).

Stories have always been with us, and are integral to our lives. This week, we get to see and hear some of the creative stories that some of the members and friends of West End have to tell.

I am so proud to introduce the first official West End Arts Week Festival. Originally designed to feature the 10-minute plays that were created in Beth Linck’s Playwrights Playground class in October, the festival now includes a virtual art studio tour, a poetry workshop, and a film short.

Running from today, January 25th, to Sunday, January 31st, you can expect an eblast everyday letting you know which piece of art is premiering, with handy links taking you right to the show.

There is no shortage of talent here at West End. As a matter of fact, I think you will be surprised to see some unexpected faces as contenders for the Academy Award this year. I hope that you enjoy the creativity you see this week. 

Please also join us for the Artist Talkback on Sunday, January 31st, right after morning worship. You’ll be able to talk directly to the artists about their process. We are all artists in our own way. 

Here’s to discovering new art, new ways of being in communion with each other, new ways of drawing closer to God, together.

Pastor Bridget


COVID-19 Vaccine Talk


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