Now what?

The calendar that we use that lists the lectionary readings and liturgical colors usually contains a theme for each Sunday as well. Yesterday’s theme was simple: “Now What?”

We have been walking closely with Jesus these last few weeks. Now that we have mourned on Maundy Thursday, walked through the last moments of his life on Good Friday, and celebrated his resurrection and Easter Sunday… now what?

Where does all of the careful attention to scripture and action go now? We have been mindful and contemplative. What happens to the energy generated by this moment in the life of Christians?

What I know is that we cannot go back. As Pastor Will preached yesterday, we are moving forward. We must take the lessons we’ve learned during this pandemic and make a new path. We should also take the insights we’ve gleaned from journeying closely with scripture to heart as well. We are on a journey with Jesus, and the work does not end at the cross. It is only just beginning. It is a journey not for the faint at heart. We are called to love our neighbors and build the beloved kingdom. Let us put our hands to plow, and hold on, yes. But let’s also get to work.

Pastor Bridget


Meet Interim Music Director, Paul Vasile


Holy Week