Finding new ways to connect

These last few months have all been connected for me. We’ve gone from Arts month, to Black History Month, and are now headed into Women’s History Month.

These are the major ways I show up in the world. I used to feel that my various identities were in competition, or had some kind of hierarchy. I’ve come to realize that all the different parts of me work together as I continue to grow closer to God.

As we move through the seasons, and continue our Lenten Mindfulness practices, I encourage us all to find new ways to connect. Maybe the poet in you could benefit from Pastor Sam’s Adult Education class about prayer. The full-time parent and full-time worker may want to unwind with yoga. If you feel like you’re moving a hundred miles an hour, our new Wednesday evening Lenten Mindfulness Meditations can give you a few moments of peace and quiet.

I plan on trying new things, and finding new ways to connect. I hope you’ll join me.

Pastor Bridget


Springing Forward


Mindfulness is a discipline