Think again
We see things around us through the lens of faith, making connections from ancient wisdom to daily life.
Black History Month 2022
In honor of Black History Month, we remind everyone that Black History is American History. The experiences, identities, culture and presence of formerly enslaved Africans and Black immigrants in this country are an integral part of the American tapestry.
Christmas Eve Plans
I write with a health and safety update for those of you who will be joining us in the sanctuary for worship on Christmas Eve. I very much look forward to seeing you in person, and wish to remind you of the following.
Update on The Collegiate Church & Call to Congregational Meeting
As you know, the Collegiate Church of the City of New York is a very different church today than it was even one year ago.
Returning to the Building
I am so looking forward to seeing some of you here at church this coming Sunday!
Update from Reopening Taskforce
The Reopening Taskforce is hard at work designing protocols for keeping us all safe as we return to our church building in the coming weeks.
We missed you!
The Reopening Task Force met yesterday after church to continue detailing protocols for how we will return to using our sanctuary and campus this fall.
There is bread in our midst and we have everything that we need
We have survived more than 16 months. It has been grueling, and yet we have stayed connected. We’ve worshipped and prayed together, held classes, enjoyed an art festival, had Pride contests and more.
Summer rest
I have been preaching on themes of preparation and how we welcome God. We've been looking at the story of God's arrival in the City of David, and how God lives, travels, and provides among us.
Time to rest & time to get things done
Church life in July always appear to be quiet, and to an extent it is. The number of us tuning in for worship has dipped as warm weather, family trips, and baseball games lure us out of doors and away from screens.
Thank you to our Elders and Deacons
Thank you to all of our leaders and each of you who contribute and lead us in your own way. Each of you are a blessing, and what a blessing it is to be the church together.
An update from your Musician Search Team
The Musician Search Team has been hard at work distilling what they have heard from each of you about the future of music and arts at West End Church.
“Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground.”
I love this story of Jesus and the Woman caught in adultery. The Pharisees believe they have Jesus trapped along with this unnamed woman. But Jesus never answers their accusations directly. He listens to the charges against the woman, and then bends down and writes on the ground. This is a story of grace and mercy, yes, but it also feels like one of support and allyship.
Pride in the Puplit
West End Church is excited to be continuing in our long-held commitment to the LGBTQI community and celebrating Pride Month this June.
Memorial Day
Happy Memorial Day, a day when our nation memorializes the brave souls who gave their life for our freedom.
Lend your voice and join the song of Creation
There’s a new song calling your name. Can you hear it? Will you lend your voice and join the song of Creation for this day? I certainly hope so.
A Mother’s Day like no other
Holidays can be difficult for people for a number of reasons. Sometimes they can remind us of sad occasions or anniversaries. Loved ones may have passed on or become estranged. And sometimes, you just don’t feel like celebrating or marking the occasion in the traditional manner.
Resurrection comes again and again
For our friends in Orthodox traditions, this is Easter Monday. That in global Christendom Easter comes not once but twice feels a good metaphor for resurrection itself.