Faith in Banned Books

Faith in Banned Books

Pastor Will leads a seminar at the intersection of literature, politics, and faith. Over the course of the year, we will read six books — some classics that will be a reread for many, some newer — that are among the most challenged and banned books across the country. We will read together as people of faith to understand the challenges these books pose for some readers, and what our faith has to say in response. A fresh (ie, not “I read it in high school and remember it just fine) reading of each of the books is required for class participation.

All meetings are on Zoom. Password: Books. Meeting dates and books are below. If you need assistance obtaining a copy of a book, please contact Pastor Will.

  • Thursday 10/27: The Hate U Give (2017) by Angie Thomas

  • Thursday 12/1: Of Mice and Men (1937) by John Steinbeck

  • Thursday 1/12/23: Lawn Boy (2019) by Jonathan Evison

  • Thursday 2/23/23: The Bluest Eye (1970) by Toni Morrison

  • Thursday 3/30/23: George (2017) by Alex Gino


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