West End Church

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We join our hearts at the mountaintop

Today we lift up the memory of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and join our hearts with each other in the continuing struggle for racial justice across our country. Dr. King's legacy calls us to share a dream for the day when all may see the mountaintop God has in mind for us. It is also very much our prayer today.

In addition to commemorating Dr. King’s legacy today, we will soon be announcing programming for Black History month that engages our faith with our justice work. Together, all of us at West End are working to make hope visible. That hope comes through the diversity of our congregation, the ways we engage with our community, and the service we offer to the world. That hope is visible in the lives of your children, the voices of our elders, and our church’s commitment to racial justice.

As we think of Dr. King’s legacy and as we anticipate the inauguration of the first woman of color to the office of Vice President, we know that the road to go is still long and difficult. It will be easier if we all go together, and so I ask you: will you join with us in committing to West End? Later this week, you will receive an invitation to make a financial pledge to be fulfilled between now and June 30th to ensure our budgetary goals for this current financial year. These budgetary goals include increased funds for direct services to our community—Tuesday Table's hot meals to go, the free coffee shop on our porch, the Bellclaire Boutique, and maintenance of our community fridge. These goals include our commitment to our staff in the midst of pandemic. These goals include continued support of our partner organizations and to offering assistance to those who need our help. These goals are attainable, sufficient, and hopeful.

Consider the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and think of the brave people who stood alongside him to march for justice. Think of the young girls who now know that they can be Vice President and hopefully soon even President. Think of the people who rely on us for food and support. Then think of how WE make hope visible and join me in planning to make a pledge later this week.

Be well and God bless,
Pastor Will