Sermon Archive
The heart of West End’s week is Sunday Worship at 11am, when we gather in community to worship and share our journey of faith together.
Our Sermon Archive is a place where you can watch past sermons, listen to them, or read the text - whatever is most accessible and nourishing to you.
- 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 1
- 2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10 1
- Acts 1
- Anti-Racism 25
- Arts 8
- Ash Wednesday 1
- Book of Wisdom 1
- COVID-19 31
- Community 48
- Corinthians 3
- Corinthians 12:1-11 1
- Corinthians 13:1-13 1
- Creation 14
- Current Events 31
- Easter 2
- Exodus 1
- Exodus 34:29-35 1
- Faith in Action 15
- Faithful Living 47
- Genesis 1
- Gospels 26
- Hebrew Bible 51
- Holidays 24
- Holy Week 2
- Interfaith 2
- Isaiah 2
- Isaiah 55:1-9 1
- Isaiah 6:1-13 1
- Jeremiah 1
- Jeremiah 17:5-10 1
- Job 1
- John 1
- John 2:1-11 1
- Joshua 1
- Joshua 5:9-12 1
- LGBTQ+ Pride 8
- Lay theology 2
- Lent 1
- Luke 7
- Luke 13:1-9 1
- Luke 17:20-21 1
- Luke 1:39-55 1
- Luke 4:14-21 1
- Luke 6:17-26 1
- Luke 6:27-38 1
- Luke 9:28-36 1
- Mark 7
- Mark 12:38-44 1
- Mark 13:1-8 1
- Mark 15:1-15 1
Having Faith
Rev. Critzman’s reflects on most recent acts of anti-Black violence and tragic loss of community in Buffalo, New York.
Truth and Love
Rev. Critzman’s reflects on most recent acts of anti-Black violence and tragic loss of community in Buffalo, New York.
Blessings On Your Journey
Guest Preacher Rev. Julia Turner shares her wisdom on the final Sunday of Women’s History Month 2022.
What the World Needs Now is Love, Fierce Love
Guest Preacher Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis joins us on the penultimate Sunday of Women’s History Month.
Testing, Testing 1-2-3
Guest Preacher Rev. Ann Kansfield delights us with a joyful sermon on grace and mercy on this first Sunday of Women’s History Month.
Ancient Songs of Other People
Pastor Will calls on us to examine authenticity, representation, and reparation as we reflect on Indigenous Peoples' Weekend.
We Got This
This Sunday we consider the nature of independence, exile and potential with guest preacher Rev. Julia Turner. As we open our lives safely to the hope yet to come, we invite the lessons laid forth from prophets and apostles alike.
Singing as Prayer, Creation, and Transformation
This Pentecost Sunday we welcome interim music director Paul Vasile to teach us about three gifts within this sacred day.
Like a Mother’s Love
On this day, Rev. William Critzman reminds us of the simple complexity of motherhood. As we celebrate the mothers in our lives we remember how Mary cared for her son. A mother’s love can change the world.
Not Going Back, Moving Forward
This Easter Sunday Rev. William Critzman explores the sacred metaphor and symbolism of both this day and this season of resurrection. As we feel the new life all around us, we know we cannot go back!
Raising up in 3... 2... 1...
“If our body is the temple…” With this week’s word Rev. William Critzman invites us to envision and focus on the temple we co-create even now as the body of Christ.
It Takes a Village
We know that it takes a village, but whom in the village do we name? Today, Rev. Bridget Anthony bridges Black History Month and Women’s History Month as West End Church lifts up the names of Black women who formed each of our lives.
Shining Forth
The space between transfiguration and the dusty certainties of life can be hard to grasp. Rev. William Critzman bridges this space as he threads love through the many celebrations this weekend and the world yet to come.
On Two Kinds of Baptism?
Rev. William Critzman explores the space between a sprinkle and a dunk as we consider the baptism of Christ this Sunday. Following this week’s events, we walk through justice towards the mercy yet to come.
Can You Feel It?
Can you feel it? Like Simeon and Anna knew, the great hope of what is yet to come finds its way into our bones. Rev. Anthony’s good word for the year to come as we renew, rebuild and rediscover who we are meant to be with God’s help.