Sermon Archive
The heart of West End’s week is Sunday Worship at 11am, when we gather in community to worship and share our journey of faith together.
Our Sermon Archive is a place where you can watch past sermons, listen to them, or read the text - whatever is most accessible and nourishing to you.
- 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 1
- 2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10 1
- Acts 1
- Anti-Racism 25
- Arts 8
- Ash Wednesday 1
- Book of Wisdom 1
- COVID-19 31
- Community 48
- Corinthians 3
- Corinthians 12:1-11 1
- Corinthians 13:1-13 1
- Creation 14
- Current Events 31
- Easter 2
- Exodus 1
- Exodus 34:29-35 1
- Faith in Action 15
- Faithful Living 47
- Genesis 1
- Gospels 26
- Hebrew Bible 51
- Holidays 24
- Holy Week 2
- Interfaith 2
- Isaiah 2
- Isaiah 55:1-9 1
- Isaiah 6:1-13 1
- Jeremiah 1
- Jeremiah 17:5-10 1
- Job 1
- John 1
- John 2:1-11 1
- Joshua 1
- Joshua 5:9-12 1
- LGBTQ+ Pride 8
- Lay theology 2
- Lent 1
- Luke 7
- Luke 13:1-9 1
- Luke 17:20-21 1
- Luke 1:39-55 1
- Luke 4:14-21 1
- Luke 6:17-26 1
- Luke 6:27-38 1
- Luke 9:28-36 1
- Mark 7
- Mark 12:38-44 1
- Mark 13:1-8 1
- Mark 15:1-15 1
Departing Grace
Pastor Will's sermon calls us to take notice and appreciate the changes all around us.
Finding God in All the Wrong Places
Guest preacher, Rev. Anthony Livolsi from Marble Church, urges us to find God in unexpected places.
Speaking the Truth
Pastor Bridget uses her personal experience to encourage us to speak the truth about history, race, and building the Beloved Community.
The Gift of Your Calling
Pastor Will asks us to (re)discover our gifts, recognizing that they are all good, and can be used for building the beloved kingdom.
Pride and the Great Tight Rope Walker
This week, Rev. Stan Sloan is West End’s first guest preacher during Pride Month. As we consider the development of LGBTQIA+ rights, we do so knowing that queer progress will never be complete unless everyone is brought along for the journey. We worship God who walks the great tightrope and teaches us to love.
The Sound of Resurrection
This week, Rev. William Critzman connects our ears and hearts to all we’ve heard this past year. With God’s help we have much to learn about good shepherds, the behavior of flocks, and the idols that we name and dismantle together.
The Collegiate Church of the City of New York Commemorates a Year of COVID-19
As we consider all that has occurred, been lost and changed over the past year the Collegiate Church of New York stands together in worship and prayer as a church unified.
Shining Forth
The space between transfiguration and the dusty certainties of life can be hard to grasp. Rev. William Critzman bridges this space as he threads love through the many celebrations this weekend and the world yet to come.
Sea Change
In our nation and in our church, change is inevitable. During this transitional moment — this Sea Change — Rev. William Critzman reminds us of God’s eternal promises when the sands shift.
Cheap Grace
We have to wrestle with the cost of grace. As we leave Cheap Grace aside and walk forward into something new, we do so buoyed by the art, life and legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
On Two Kinds of Baptism?
Rev. William Critzman explores the space between a sprinkle and a dunk as we consider the baptism of Christ this Sunday. Following this week’s events, we walk through justice towards the mercy yet to come.
Can You Feel It?
Can you feel it? Like Simeon and Anna knew, the great hope of what is yet to come finds its way into our bones. Rev. Anthony’s good word for the year to come as we renew, rebuild and rediscover who we are meant to be with God’s help.
For the Love
What can we learn from broken candles during Advent? Rev. William Critzman walks West End in love to support our sister church Middle Collegiate as we anticipate the good news on its way this week.