Music Department Transition
Dear Friends,
As many of you heard in worship last Sunday, Henry Lee has accepted a new position with a church in Newnan, GA. Henry will continue as Director of Music Ministry here at West End through Sunday, May 5th. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us then for a day of thanksgiving and saying so long.
Henry’s conducting teacher, with whom his wife Yen Yu also studies, is the music pastor of the Newnan church and has offered Henry a position as organist and music assistant. Unfortunately, like so many young families, Henry and Yen Yu feel that New York has become cost- and space-prohibitive and believe this move is right for their family. Such an economic situation, together with the chance to continue studying with a beloved mentor, created an opportunity that Henry couldn’t refuse.
Henry has asked me to share his gratitude with all of you for the opportunities of the past two and half years. We have much to be grateful for in how Henry has guided and shaped our music program, particularly as we have emerged from the pandemic and learned new ways to make music together. Though I am of course saddened that our time working together is coming to an end, I know you will join me in wishing Henry and Yen Yu every success and much happiness for their next chapter.
As for our own next chapter, Consistory and I met last Monday night to begin discussing West End’s path forward. I will keep you informed as these discussions evolve and as together we discern God’s plan for West End, our community, and our ministry of music and arts.
Be well, beloveds. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions, and please join me in saying thank you to Henry for all the many gifts he has shared with us.
Henry Lee at our Christmas Concert in 2023, © Human Flower Productions