Digital Pride Zine 2021

Zines have historically been a way for marginalized or fringe communities to communicate with one another in print. In moments of silencing or neglect, folks have always found a way to tell their stories on their own terms. 

Zines are also an important part of LGBTQ+ tradition, especially during the 90s in some deeply vulnerable moments in queer history. When information could not be publicly passed among LGBTQ+ folks safely, our foremothers took it upon themselves to create a legacy in print of who we were and who we are.

As West End Church grows and develops, we do so with the sacred affirmation of our LGBTQ+ membership, of God’s love for every color of the rainbow. This is our digital zine this year. A resounding “Here we are!” to announce the queer faith at West End Church and beyond. 

— Pastor Sam


Feeling inspired to contribute?

Email your submissions to Pastor Sam!


Last year, on Pride Sunday 2020, after zooming our Sunday morning service, we took the pride flag that we had used for our Pride Contest display and hung it in our yard.

We had never hung a Pride flag before. Our West End Collegiate Church’s love and acceptance give us the freedom to share our pride with our neighborhood.

Doug has worked with an artist to design a flag that will hang permanently from now on.

Jesus’ parable of a lamp under a bushel seems appropriate.

~ Scott Schafer & Doug Hood

Two busts

In the front is a glorified pinch pot gussied up with an under glaze.

In the back is a portrait bust of Mr. Freddy, my late dog.

~ John Dowling

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May the Spirit of queer creativity and Christ’s love keep you moving this Pride Week and beyond. 

This is my altar I built for a ritual that was created for one of my classes in the fall. My group Blessed are the Queers and four participants created a ritual of Glorious Gifts which celebrated and honored the different gifts we bring to our queer community. 

~ Victoria Tucci

my name is
Esau Reyes-Pesante.  

I have always loved to do different arts and craft projects as a hobby. 

I have tried doing crochet, knitting, sewing, etc.  

The moment the pandemic started, I have expanded my hobbies. One of the newest projects is embroidery.   

This all started as an idea for a gift, then I ended up getting a second-hand embroidery machine and some materials.  

Now, I am so hooked on all the different things that can be done.  Hopefully, I will be able to get an industrial embroidery machine and start my own small business. 

Here are images of some of the projects I have kept myself busy with for the past two years.


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It feels heavy to walk in this world sometimes, and I want to create little moments of silly.

Inspired by two of the gayest emojis.

~ Nora Neus