Lenten Thought of the Week: The News

Tony’s Lenten Thoughts are responsive to Pastor Will’s Sunday sermons. Linked here, you’ll find the corresponding sermon for this week’s Lenten Thought.

Please scroll to the bottom of this post to participate in our online discussion.


Dear Friends,

This is the first of five prompts for self-reflection and discussion on our Lenten journey. Building upon Sunday’s sermon and as an invitation to discuss in online community, these meditations are a way for us to share our thoughts and connect with one another on our own time throughout each week. (For instructions on how to join that discussion, please scroll to the bottom of this email.)

As Rev. Will said yesterday, our Lenten journey is about packing intentionally—sorting through what we carry in our hearts and minds, deciding what to hold onto, and what to leave behind. This week, we turn our attention to the news—the flood of information that shapes our thoughts, emotions, and conversations.

For the next week, I invite you to practice news fasting with intention. Rather than consuming news on autopilot, take a moment before reading or listening to ask: Will this inform me or inflame me? How can I use this for building the kin-dom of heaven? 

Set a limit on how often you check the news, and balance every intake of world events with a moment of grounding—whether in scripture, prayer, or silence.

At the end of each day, reflect: What word has been closest to my heart today? Was it news, fear, outrage—or something deeper, something freeing, something good?

From the Road,


PS: If you missed the first part of Pastor Will’s Lenten Sermon series on “Technology & Discipleship,” check it on our
YouTube Channel or on Apple Podcasts. We also offer to you this document, Field Guide to the News, which has helpful reminders and best practices.


Disqus is an online platform to facilitate community discussions. If you’d like to participate, please sign up using your email address. Keep in mind that your name is public and you may wish to go by your first name only for privacy reasons. West End will moderate the discussions and enforce community standards of kindness, civility, and relevance.

It is not necessary to have a Disqus account to post; you can log in with existing accounts on Apple, Google, Microsoft, or Facebook, each of which have settings for how identifying information like your name will appear publicly on other platforms. Please let the church staff know if you need assistance!

Tony Amoury Alkhoury

Adult Learning Instructor

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Lenten Thought of the Week: Social Media