Our Community
Whoever you are, and wherever you are on life’s journey, you are entirely welcome here.
Today, we are a community church where you may belong, ministering to our ever-changing city in the name of our all-changing God. We are young and old, of many races and abilities, of various genders and sexualities, people on journeys and people longing to put down roots. We see our diversity as an expression of God’s immense imagination, and we value hospitality, belonging, and equity.
West End Church is affiliated with the United Church of Christ (UCC).
We are a community where there’s room for you to…

We come together seeking something beyond ourselves. We don’t focus on a single destination, but on the seeking itself and the way it continues to open us to new possibilities.

Doubt isn’t the opposite of faith, it’s the beginning of deeper faith. Doubt keeps faith alive and fresh. Blessed be those who doubt, for doubt allows room for new perspectives to grow.

Good questions are always better than simple answers. We live in the questions trusting that God alone has all the answers. Curiosity is the antidote to fear.

We celebrate one another. We celebrate a living, loving God who calls us together. We celebrate you because we’re glad you’ve found your way to us. Come, celebrate with us!
We believe life is a journey, one best walked with others rather than alone. We come together to do what we can only do together—connecting with one another and with what is holy in order to become wholly ourselves.

WE are God’s helping hands and boots on the ground. We strive to show God’s love in all that we say and all that we do, for the healing of the world.

We find God in…
WE are young, old, Black, white, gay and straight and EVERYthing that defies labels and rejects binaries. We want to know each other as whole human beings, believing that our beautiful differences are a sign of God’s imagination.

Sunday morning rhythms that your grandmother would recognize with progressive theology you want your kids to hear. Worship is the heart of who WE are.

When days are hard and night’s long, God comes to us speaking words of comfort and peace. Prayer and community is how we heal ourselves and restore our relationship with Creation.

Our faith story starts by telling us Creation is good. God said so. That means you’re good, so is your neighbor, the dog down the street, the tree in the park, the crab at the bottom of the sea, and the air that we breathe. We’re a part of Creation, with a vested interest in caring for the world around us.

Broadway to classical, jazz to ancient chant, and hymns and carols, music is how we celebrate the living of these days. Music flows throughout time and to each of us every day. Listen. Make some of your own as well.

Following the way of Jesus, we…

Serving is faith in action. In serving each other we see the face of God.

We’re a place of meaning making. You’re invited to bring your whole self, your hopes, your joys, and all that needs healing to us. We hope you’ll find this a community where you can be renewed and restored.

Loving our neighbors begins with loving ourselves (Mark 22:31). We come together to learn to love ourselves and also to love our neighbor and world.