Thank you to our Elders and Deacons

You know that our church is led by 10 Elders and Deacons who form the West End Consistory. Together with the staff, these lay leaders are charged with the care and stewardship of our church, our members, and the programs and ministry that sustain us all. The West End Consistory gathers monthly from September through June and at other moments as needed throughout the year. They advise, charge, and guide my leadership as your pastor, and they are together one of the most beautiful bodies of faithful leaders with whom I have ever had the opportunity to minister.

As one of four congregations of the Collegiate Church, members of own West End Consistory also join with the consistory members of Ft. Washington, Marble, and Middle Church to form what we call Full Consistory. Together, the Elders and Deacons of the four congregations gather throughout the year to manage the finances, investments, and property of all of Collegiate. It’s a big job, and the work this past year has been extraordinary in every sense of the word.

I share this with you today for two reasons. First, I ask you to join me in thanking our Elders and Deacons for their service. Your consistory is chaired by Elder Nathan Stilwell, who has been joined this past year by Marilyn Flood, Madie Ivy Head, Cambridge Ridley-Lynch, Narvie Rundlet, Christa Scott-Reed, Andrea Steinkamp, Rich Bohart, Steve Cambor, and Esau Reyes-Pesante. I’ll ask you to extend a special thank you to Christa and Andrea, who have each completed the fullness of their terms and each of whom deserve our deepest gratitude for their service.

I also share this with you today as we have two openings for new leaders to join us for the coming year. As you have heard Nathan announce in worship these past several weeks, we are soliciting nominations for new Elders and Deacons. If you know someone you think would be willing and able to join in leadership, or if you yourself would like to be nominated, please send me an email by the end of this week.

Thank you to all of our leaders and each of you who contribute and lead us in your own way. Each of you are a blessing, and what a blessing it is to be the church together.

Peace to you,
Pastor Will


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