An update from your Musician Search Team

The Musician Search Team has been hard at work distilling what they have heard from each of you about the future of music and arts at West End Church. Tonight, they will present a draft job description to your Consistory for their approval. Pending that approval, we will post the description tomorrow and the search will begin.

For over 60 years, the West End baton has been artistically stewarded by two great and well-loved musicians. As your search team goes out to find their successor, there is a palpable sense of history, responsibility, and excitement. We share a sense of history for our nearly 400 year old church and the legacy we are called to steward for generations still to come. We honor our responsibility to find a musical leader who will not just continue our legacy, but enhance it, improve upon it, involve more of us, and teach us all to sing old songs better and new songs with joy. The excitement of the Search Team is clear every time they meet; they are seeking not just a new musician, but a great musician for each of us and for our time.

As the days are long and hot, and as many of you begin your annual vacations and restoration from the year we’ve had, I ask you to keep our search team in your prayers. They are doing the work of the church, finding someone who will help us all glorify God and join the music of creation.

Be well, beloveds. I will see you on Sunday!

Peace to you,
Pastor Will


Thank you to our Elders and Deacons


“Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground.”