West End Church

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Time to rest & time to get things done

Church life in July always appear to be quiet, and to an extent it is. The number of us tuning in for worship has dipped as warm weather, family trips, and baseball games lure us out of doors and away from screens. Church School and children’s programs are now on their annual summer recess, even as Pastor Sam and his team are laying plans for Vacation Church School in August. Our hardworking and dedicated staff has begun their annual rotation of vacation schedules, and I have a few moments to think, plan, and set agendas before going offline to rest, write, and get ready for the fall myself next month.

Though the change of pace is noticeable, it’s far from a want of things to do. Even as the hum of West End takes on this summer pace, our Musician Search Team is hard at work reviewing resumes and materials from candidates eager to come work with us. Our Sunday worship and tech teams are planning and will soon be installing all the new AV equipment our sanctuary needs in order to continue offering our worship to anyone, anywhere even when some of us return to the sanctuary this fall. Speaking of which, Nathan and I are forming a group of various congregants to advise and help with that reopening plan, and Paul and I are already planning a series of worship services to mark the transition from this time to the next including our re-entry into the sanctuary on October 3rd. I am also using this time to meet with elected officials and heads of local social services organizations as we assess the shifting nature of need in our neighborhood and begin forming the coalitions and programming we can to grow our feeding and social justice ministries.

And yet, even as seasons change and our pace changes with them, there is an eternal help that beckons our attention. Whether at work or at home, on vacation or only longing for it, in-town or out, scripture calls us to remember that there is a season for all things, a time to rejoice, a time to weep, a time to work, a time to refrain from working. Wherever you find yourself this day—whether in one place, or juggling a few—take a moment to turn your attention to God and what new thing the Spirit is doing in your life, even now, wherever you may be.

Peace to you,
Pastor Will