West End Church

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Staying Home with Scripture

We did it! Our inaugural hybrid worship service is in the bag and it was so good to see so many of you in person and even more of you on screen in the sanctuary. In reflecting on how everything went, I think this was a solid first preview, not quite opening night yet, but definitely up and on our legs. We’ll be learning and continuing to make tweaks, as we always do, as we go.

I want to give a special thanks to everyone who joined us on Zoom yesterday! Seeing your faces on the screen, hearing your voices across the sanctuary sound system, and worshipping with that beautiful choir piece was so meaningful. Thank you for joining us from wherever you are, just as you are. God is with you.

To all of you who are worshipping at home every week or maybe just some weeks, I want to encourage you to volunteer as one of our lay scripture readers. For a time, while we continue experimenting, the scripture reader each week will be a Zoom participant, and we’d love to hear some new voices and always love hearing from our pros. Being a lay reader isn’t as scary as it may sound, and reading scripture aloud within worship is a great blessing. We’ve added a new and super easy to use sign up tool to the calendar entry for each Sunday Worship. Starting with October 17, you can click on "Hybrid Worship" for the Sunday you want to read Scripture, and sign up to be our Lay Reader in the top left corner. If you can't click on the button, that means someone has already signed up for this date, so please select a new date.

Thank you, friends. Blessings to each of you for the week ahead,
Pastor Will