West End Church

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Black History Month 2022

In honor of Black History Month, we remind everyone that Black History is American History. The experiences, identities, culture and presence of formerly enslaved Africans and Black immigrants in this country are an integral part of the American tapestry.

So often, when we talk about the Black experience, we begin and end with trauma. I would like to take this month to extend what we started with our Hush Harbor service in December: I want to continue to find joy.

To mark Black History Month 2022, we invited the members of West End Church to reflect on their personal experience and encounters with Black culture. We asked them to share images and quotes that made an impact on them. What book or movie that resonates with you? Maybe there is a dish or piece of music that fills you with joy?

We are all here together, and more connected than we ever realized. The work is plentiful. Let this month be a continuation of the good work — and the joy — we are creating together, because the possibilities are endless.