West End Church

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Mindfulness is a discipline

Dear Friends,

This Lent, West End Church invites you to deepen your discipleship by focusing on your mind. Mindfulness is the act of noticing what you are thinking, what you are doing, and the relationship between those two activities. A benefit of mindfulness is that we come to realize how our actions can be deliberate, and how in setting an intention and minding our minds we can be more fully present to ourselves and to the world around us. For example: setting time for a 15 minute walk in the park at the end of your day could be mindful; so too could three minutes of sitting quietly in a room repeating a simple phrase like “I am not God” or “I make my covenant” and noticing what your mind does.

Mindfulness is a discipline because it does not always come easily or naturally to us. Mindfulness is a practice—like yoga or worship or prayer—because it’s never something we get perfect. Mindfulness is a faithful way of discipleship because by setting our intention on eternal things we become more likely to follow the ways of Christ throughout this Lenten journey.

Be mindful of these lengthening days—they will lead us to unimaginable resurrection.

Pastor Will