Holy Week

The time from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday can be one of the holiest weeks of the year, if you let it. The service we had yesterday began with hearing of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem continues each day this week as we mark our time and keep watch for the events that will soon occur on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. But even here, on Monday, there is holiness in our midst, passion on our minds, and resurrection in our hearts. There is work for transformation to do, and prayers for comfort and mercy to be said. What are you doing this day? How are you observing your own holiness and finding the holiness you seek?

Throughout this week, Christians around the world will watch for the signs of resurrection that come when death doesn’t get the final word. Our Jewish friends are also celebrating this week, observing the festival of Passover and the liberation from slavery and freedom that comes from God. We know that there is a wideness to God’s mercy, one that saves all who ask and frees even the most captive bound. Maybe you’ll welcome this God into the hardest places of your own heart this week; maybe this holy week might wholly transform you.

However you are marking these days, know that Christ is with you even as we try to walk with Jesus. Holy Week blessings to you. You are in my prayers.

Be well beloved,

Pastor Will


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